Gabardina urdin ospetsua

Juan Luis Zabala

(Leonard Cohenek beste kantu baten hitzak).

Gabardina urdin ospetsua

Goizaldeko laurak dira, abenduaren amaiera
Hobeto ote zauden jakiteko idazten dizut
New York hotza da baina maite dut bizi naizen lekua
Arrats osoan dago musika Clinton kalean.

Zure etxetxoa eraikitzen ari omen zara basamortuaren erdian.
Ezertarako ere ez zara bizi orain, espero dut gordeko duzula oroitzapenen bat.

Bai, eta Jane etorri zitzaidan zure ile xerlo kizkur batekin
Zuk emana zela esan zidan
Garbi jokatzea erabaki zenuen gauean
Jokatu al duzu inoiz garbi?

Oi,ikusi zintudan azken aldian zaharrago ematen zenuen askozaz
Zure gabardina beltz ospetsua urratua zegoen sorbaldan
Geltokira joan zinen tren guztiak hartzera
Eta etxera itzuli Lili Marlene gabe.

Eta nire emaztea zure bizitzaren xafla bat balitz bezala tratatu zenuen
Eta atzera itzuli zenean ez zen jada inoren emaztea.

Tira, han ikusten zaitut arrosa ahoan duzula
Beste ijito mehar lapur bat
Tira, Jane urrun dagoela ikusten dut

Goraintziak igortzen dizkizu
Eta nola dei zaitzaket nire anaia, nire hiltzailea
Zer esan dezaket?
Pentsatzen dut ments izango zaitudala, barkatuko dizudala
Pozten nau zu nire bidean agertu izanak.

Inoiz inguru hauetara bazatoz, Janerengatik edo niregatik
Zure etsaia lotan dago, eta haren emaztea libre da.

Bai, eta eskerrik asko haren begietatik kendu zenuen zakarragatik
Hura han mesedegarri zelakoan nengoen ni.

Eta Jane etorri zitzaidan zure ile xerlo kizkur batekin
Zuk emana zela esan zidan
Garbi jokatzea erabaki zenuen gauean.

Zintzotasunez, L. Cohen

* * *

Famous Blue Raincoat

It’s four in the morning, the end of December
I’m writing you now just to see if you’re better
New York is cold, but I like where I’m living
There’s music on Clinton Street all through the evening.

I hear that you’re building your little house deep in the desert
You’re living for nothing now, I hope you’re keeping some kind of record.

Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
That night that you planned to go clear
Did you ever go clear?

Ah, the last time we saw you you looked so much older
Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder
You’d been to the station to meet every train
And you came home without Lili Marlene

And you treated my woman to a flake of your life
And when she came back she was nobody’s wife.

Well I see you there with the rose in your teeth
One more thin gypsy thief
Well I see Jane’s awake

She sends her regards.
And what can I tell you my brother, my killer
What can I possibly say?
I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you
I’m glad you stood in my way.

If you ever come by here, for Jane or for me
Your enemy is sleeping, and his woman is free.

Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyes
I thought it was there for good so I never tried.

And Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
That night that you planned to go clear

Sincerely, L. Cohen